
Why do rabbits thump?

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Pet rabbits have a fascinating array of mannerisms that are worth exploring. One of their behaviors that usually catches the attention of their owners is their thumping, so you may be wondering why rabbits thump. Since bunnies are not particularly vocal, thumping is a form of communication. As a pet owner, it is important to know all the nuances that your pet bunny uses to communicate. The thump is one of the versatile gestures in a bunny’s communication repertoire.

Why do rabbits thump?

There are a number of reasons why your pet rabbit may thump. Pet rabbits have very sensitive constitutions and they can be adversely affected by their environment. Here we will explore each scenario, so you will be better able to deduce why your pet rabbit is making this noise.

  • Annoyance – Here are a few scenarios that may irritate your bunny, resulting in thumping.
  • Fear – Your bunny may thump when he is afraid. Bunnies are easily spooked. Dogs and cats often frighten per rabbits. If you have dogs or cats at your home, you may notice that your bunny thumps a lot. A dog’s frequent bark or a cat stalking outside a rabbit’s cage may make your bunny nervous. If you live in a busy neighborhood where there are frequent sirens or trains passing, these loud noises may be quite off-putting to your pet rabbit. If you walk in a room and your rabbit did not see or hear you come in, he may become startled and thump.
  • Communication – Thumping is one of the communication tools for bunnies. They often use it to warn other bunnies of impending danger. Rabbits in their natural habitat would use this to warn other rabbits in warrens of danger. For instance, a predator may be close and a rabbit may signal for the rest to hide. The reason why this is so effective for rabbits is that the sound would be heard and the vibration would resonate deep in the earth.

Your bunny may also use thumping to communicate with you. She may thump if she wants you to stop doing something that is bothering her. Or she may thump to get your attention or to signal that she wants to be held or cuddled. They may also use thumping as a warning. Especially, if they want you to move away and not pick them up.

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How do rabbits make the thumping noise?

The posture that a rabbit assumes when thumping is very distinct. He may stand very still and look alert. His back may be slightly arch and he may hit one or both his hind legs hard against the ground or floor. It sounds as if he is stomping and he may do it several times in succession.

Do all rabbits thump?

All pet rabbits have the ability to thump. Neither breed, age nor size affects a bunny’s ability to thump. Thumping may depend on your pet rabbit’s personality. If your bunny seems to be high strung and prone to anxiety, you may hear thumping often. If you have a more easy-going rabbit, you may hear very little thumping or none at all.

Is thumping more frequent during any particular time of the day?

Your pet rabbit may thump in the day and also at night. Like for most mammals, night time almost always feels like the scarier time. When it is dark and visibility is limited, your rabbit may thump if it hears a loud noise or picks up the smell of a predator nearby.

Can I stop my rabbit from thumping?

So if your pet rabbit is thumping profusely you may need to ascertain why your bunny is drumming out a tune more often than not. You may need to spend some time observing your bunny. This way you may be able to pinpoint his triggers and perhaps eliminate them or help him be able to cope. If your bunny is thumping simply for attention or the occasional startling incident, you need not worry. However, if your bunny seems to be fearful and anxious most of the time you need to take action.

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1. Record how many times your pet rabbit thumps – This will give you an idea of your rabbit’s mental state.

2. Observe what may be your bunny’s triggers – Pet rabbits are not a fan of loud noises. They may be annoyed by a smell they may not be familiar with. You may even notice your rabbit acting strangely around people they come in contact with. The rabbit may be scared because this person is a stranger or maybe the person’s perfume might be too strong for your pet rabbits sensitive nose.

3. Try to eliminate triggers – So your job as a responsible pet owner would be to make your pet rabbit environment as comfortable as possible. The first thing you can do is make your rabbit’s living space as comfortable as possible. If your rabbits cage is close to a window, where he can hear all the noises from the streets traffic, dogs barking in the neighborhood, and birds screeching overhead, you may want to move the cage. Choose a spot that is a more quiet and where the outside noises would not drift in. This would help create a more serene environment for your rabbit. After a few days, in this setting, you may notice a difference in your bunny’s demeanor. He may appear calmer and more relaxed. The thumping may start to lessen.

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Additions to your rabbits living area may also help him feel more secure. If you have the money to spare you can buy hidey-hole setups and add it your rabbit’s hutch. They can cost anywhere between 15 to 20 US dollars. However, you can get creative and use cardboard boxes which will have the same effect. Hidey holes make rabbits feel safe since they have a place to retreat to when they get scared.

You can also give your rabbit toys. Rabbits like to have fun and enjoy stimulation. You can have climbing ramps installed in their hutches. They love balls that they like to nudge around their cages. Rabbit toys do not have to be an expensive venture. Cardboard boxes are always a hit. Paper towels and toilet paper rolls are good choices as well. If you have old yellow pages book, you can toss one in. They will enjoy nibbling on these immensely.

Shredded paper is also fun. If you have old baby toys like rattles and mobiles, you can use those. Toys that are designed for cats or birds can also be used by pet rabbits. Any small colorful plastic containers that can make a racket when they are pushed around can make splendid toys. When your pet rabbit is engaged, he is less likely to be stressed and afraid. Toys give them an avenue to expel any nervous energy that is building up. Pet owners have also noticed if rabbits have very little toys for stimulation, they may thump to get attention.

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4. Where triggers cannot be eliminated devise a plan – Of course, if despite your best efforts, your pet rabbit remains skittish, you may need to help your rabbit become a little less sensitive. Desensitization often sounds like a harsh procedure. However, there is no need to be alarmed, you will not bombarding your bunny with loud noises repeatedly in the hopes that she becomes accustom to a relentless cacophony of sound. This is likely to have the opposite effect. Your rabbit may become so stressed that her health is affected. You may need to consult your veterinarian. He or she may be able to put you on to a rabbit behaviorist. Someone who runs a shelter in your area may also be able to shed some insight.

Desensitization is a very gentle process for a pet rabbit. The experts suggest that when the scary noise or disarming scenario takes place you should offer your bunny a treat. Always speak reassuringly to your rabbit. Gentle pets may also be effective. You can get down on the floor with your bunny so that they can feel your reassuring presence. At this point, your rabbit may choose to snuggle with you. You should refrain from picking up your rabbit during this exercise since most rabbits do not like being held.

Now that you know that a rabbit’s thump can have numerous meanings, you will be able to better understand what your pet rabbit is trying to tell you. If your pet rabbit is frightened you should try to find out what are the possible triggers. While not all thumping is a sign of extreme distress, you should always strive to provide a comfortable environment for your bunny. Hopefully, the only thumping that you will have will be when your pet bunny wants your attention.

1 thought on “Why do rabbits thump?”

  1. I tried to open the message you sent me, but it wouldn’t open😖 Love all your information on bunnies.

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