
Best Bedding For Rabbits

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What your rabbits sleep on is important for her general comfort and well being. There is a variety to choose from when it comes to selecting the best bedding for rabbits. There are also some factors that you need to consider before you make your choice. Here we will explore your bedding options and help you make the best selection for your bunnies.

What features should I consider before choosing my rabbit bedding?

If you are in the market for bedding for your pet rabbit, you should make sure that the following features are considered.

  • Absorbent – Rabbit bedding should be able to absorb any accidents that your rabbit may have.
  • Comfortable – The material you choose for your rabbit’s bedding should be soft and your pet rabbit should enjoy being in it.
  • Safe – The type of bedding that you choose for your rabbit’s bedding should be non-toxic. You should look for brands that do not use harmful additives. Remember, bunnies inevitably nibble on their bedding.
  • Temperature – Your rabbit’s body temperature needs to be regulated as he sleeps. Depending on the climate you live in, you need to choose bedding wisely.
  • Different from their litter – This is important. You should use a material different from what is being used in her litter box. You don’t want your rabbit mistaking her bed for her bathroom facilities!
  • Environmentally friendly – You should always choose a material that is biodegradable.
  • Indoors or outdoors – Your choice of bedding will be different depending on if you have an outdoor hutch or an indoor cage. If your rabbits sleep outside, he will need bedding that gives him some warmth.
  • Odor – When choosing bedding, some odor control is always appreciated, especially if your rabbit’s cage is indoors.

What are the different types of rabbit bedding?

There are several types of rabbit bedding to choose from. You owe it to your bunny to find him the right fit.

  • Shredded Paper – This is a wholesome choice for rabbit bedding. However, be sure to use a blank paper that does not have any ink on it. Safety first!
  • Aspen – Aspen shavings are a favorite with many pet owners. It is absorbent and soft. Excellent if you have a bunny that is prone to have an accident or two.
  • Fleece – This provides a really comfortable bed for rabbits. However, you need to be prepared to wash these blankets often. It is also a good idea to only use fleece when your rabbits are litter trained.
  • Hay – This is what we consider the original rabbit bedding. It is comfortable, rabbits can nibble on it. However, it may cause some confusion for your bunnies. They may often mistake it for their litter box.

  • Pellets – These can be made out of wood or paper. They tend to be on the pricey side. You can mix it with other types of beddings to make them last a bit longer.
  • Old towel – You can use an old towel as bedding. However, you should be cautious if you decide to use one. Your rabbit is inevitably going to chew on what he is sleeping on. The threads of a towel may be hard on your rabbit’s digestive system. Also, the dyes used may be harmful to your rabbit.

What materials should I stay away from for rabbit bedding?

We cannot stress enough how important it is to choose a safe material.

You should definitely stay away from the following:

  • Cedar and pine wood shavings – These 2 materials are very toxic to your rabbits.
  • Cat litter – Never use cat litter instead of rabbit bedding. Cat litter can be life-threatening for a rabbit if it is swallowed, and it is also tough on rabbit sinuses because of its dusty nature.
  • Sawdust – Even though sawdust is quite comfortable, it is unsuitable as rabbit bedding. Its fine particles irritate your pet rabbit’s eyes and nose.
  • Newspaper – This material as bedding is inappropriate because of the ink. Some inks are toxic, and it is better not to risk it.
  • Cardboard – This material is tough on your rabbit’s digestive system and should be avoided.
  • Straw – There is something in straw that often stains your rabbit’s fur. It may also irritate its skin.
  • Mixed wood shavings – You should stay clear of these generic shavings since you don’t know exactly what was used to make them. You may end up with toxic materials.

How should I set up my rabbit bedding?

Your rabbit should have a designated sleeping area. It should be away from their litter box area. It should also be sectioned off. If you are buying a cage, you should look into one with a sleeping enclosure. However, if you have an open area, you can use a cardboard box, turn it on its side, and just like that you have a bedroom!

A sleeping area that is partitioned off, allows your rabbit’s bedding to stay in place. Especially if you choose bedding with a looser consistency.

Once you provide your rabbit with an enclosure and a comfortable bedding, your rabbit will feel safe. They will ultimately get the rest they need and be healthier for it.

What should I do if my rabbit keeps peeing in his bedding?

If your rabbit is peeing in the bedding, she may be exhibiting this behavior for a number of reasons:

  • She may be anxious or scared.
  • The materials of her bedding and litter box may be too similar.
  • She may be unwell.

So, the easiest fix is to make sure you use different materials for her litter box and bedding. Also, try to set them up apart from each other. If she is anxious or scared, try to identify the source of stress and work towards eliminating it. Lastly, if she appears to be sick take her to the veterinarian so she could be properly diagnosed and get the help that she needs.

How often should I clean my rabbit bedding?

It is imperative that you keep your rabbit bedding clean. We recommend that you refresh the bedding at least twice a week. If you have a bunny that is prone to accidents, you will have to remove the bedding as soon as possible. If you have elderly bunnies whose mobility is limited, you may need to change the bedding more often.

Clean bedding is important in keeping your rabbits clean and disease-free.

Are there any recommendations that I can look into?

Here are some of our top picks for bedding that you should definitely explore!

Grass Mat by Hamiledyi

This rabbit bedding is often a hit with pet owners because their rabbits seem to both comfortable and happy with their grass mat.

Here are some advantages of this cutting-edge product:

  • This product is made from 100% natural materials. Pet rabbits are extremely sensitive to toxic products, so this is a non-negotiable.
  • Your rabbit is less likely to soil her mat than other types of bedding.
  • The mat is excellent for gnawing and wearing down your pet rabbit teeth. It makes an excellent chew toy.
  • It also provides a little extra fiber for your bunny. More fiber never hurts!
  • Extremely affordable, you get 3 mats for $12US, this a steal of a deal!
  • They are super comfortable.
  • They can help protect your rabbit from foot diseases and skin conditions.

The only concern some customers had with this product, is that you should be on the lookout for mold depending on the climate you live in.

You can check out on this amazing product on this link.


All Natural Aspen Bedding by Kaytee

The bedding is made of hardwood and is also a natural product. There are no additives of ink or scented oils. Here is what makes this bedding stand out from the rest.

  • Kaytee has made every effort to make this bedding debris and dust-free.
  • This bedding helps with odor control.
  • The bedding is very absorbent.
  • You certainly get value for your money with this product.

Unfortunately, some consumers did not like the smell of it. However, this could merely be a matter of personal taste.

Follow this link to have a look for yourself!

Natural Paper Bedding by Arm & Hammer

This bedding is known for its odor-fighting properties. You can expect the following benefits from this time-honored brand.

  • This bedding is known for its absorbency.
  • Safe and environmentally friendly.
  • Your rabbit will enjoy burrowing, sleeping, playing, and nesting in this bedding.
  • This bedding automatically deodorizes any room that it is in.

Unfortunately, some purchasers even though impressed by the quality, found this bedding to be a bit pricey.

You can check this bedding out for yourself here.


It is important to find the best bedding for your pet rabbit. You should make sure that the material is safe and comfortable. There are quite a few materials to choose from. However, your choice will depend on your pet rabbit’s specific circumstances. Your main focus should be keeping the bedding clean. As we all know hygienic conditions foster good health.

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